Book Corrections
The corrections listed below need to be made to the instructions contained in the following books. We will post any more errors as and when we are informed of them. We are grateful to our readers for pointing these out and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Quilts by the Sea
Blooming Snowball p73
Column 2 – Border 1
2 pieces (not 4) 39in x 3 in
Autumn Postcard p153
3 of the templates are wrong. Please goto Free Spirit Fabrics downloadable templates
ISBN 9781641551946

Timeless Themes
Yarn-Bombed Tree p50 & p53
Location correction
This tree is not located in South Africa, but rather on the campus of West Virginia University in Morgantown, West Virginia. It is on the lawn of The Creative Arts Center, as part of their outdoor collection of art and sculpture.
Blue Suzani p144
Circle Edging
Cut that yardage 2 inches wide into a continuous bias strip.
ISBN 9781419761409

Quilts in an English Village
Starry Nights Template A p134
Template A diagram is too long.
When making your template, at one end, cut off 1 3/8in (3.5cm) at the same angle. The short parallel side should measure to 2 3/4in (7cm) and the long parallel side should measure 8 3/4in (22.2cm). Follow fabric cutting instructions on page 66.
Shaded Squares p122
Patchwork Fabrics
Fabrics 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, and 24 3/8yd (40cm) or a fat quarter
Fabrics 15, 16, 21, and 23 5/8yd (60cm)
Page 124
Striped Triangles
Replace the first paragraph with:
Cut strips 5 ¼ in (13.3 cm) wide down the length of the fabric, ie along the length of the stripes. Using the 45º marking on your ruler to align with the edge, cut a line at 45º across the strip as shown in Striped Triangles Cutting Diagram Step A, then cut triangles along the strip as shown in Steps B and C, pivoting the ruler and lining up the 45º marking along the edge of the strip for each cut.
Strips from 3/8yd (40cm) will yield 1 triangle each.
Strips from a fat quarter will yield 2 triangles each.
Strips from 5/8yd (60cm) will yield 3 triangles each.
Cut strips and a total of 63 triangles from fabrics as follows:
Fabric 14 Wide (6 strips) 6 triangles
Fabric 15 Wide (3 strips) 7 triangles
Fabric 16 Wide (3 strips) 8 triangles
Fabric 17 Wide (6 strips) 6 triangles
Fabric 18 Wide (4 strips) 4 triangles
Fabric 19 Wide (2 strips) 2 triangles
Fabric 20 Narrow (4 strips) 4 triangles
Fabric 21 Narrow (3 strips) 8 triangles
Fabric 22 Narrow (4 strips) 4 triangles
Fabric 23 Narrow (3 strips) 8 triangles
Fabric 24 Narrow (6 strips) 6 triangles
ISBN 978-1-64155-150-2

Quilts in Burano
Green with Envy p115
Patchwork Fabrics
Fabric 7 (Oranges) increase to 2 1/4yds (2.1m) to obtain 2 full rows of Oranges along each border.
Border 7
From Fabric 7 cut 9 strips 6 1/2in (16.5cm).
ISBN 978-1-64155-119-9

Quilts in the Cotswolds
Dark Gameboard p 47
Patchwork Fabrics
Fabric 3 increase to 1 7/8yd (1.8m).
Pink Squares p 55
Fabric 1 increase to 5/8yd (60cm).
Russian Knot Garden p 61
CUTTING OUT – Border 1
Fabric 5 increase to 3/8yd (40cm)
Glamping Medallion p 65
Patchwork Fabrics
Fabric 8 increase to 3/8yd (40cm).
Blue Square Dance p 73
Patchwork Fabrics
Fabric 3 increase to 1 3/4yd (1.7m)
Sunny Beyond the Border p 83 and 84
From Fabric 9, first cut 2 Piece Q side borders down the length of the fabric, then cut Piece P and Piece N from strips cut across the remaining fabric.
Flowery Jar p 86
Patchwork Fabrics
Fabric 9 increase to 7/8yd (85cm).
CUTTING OUT – Border 5
From Fabric 9 cut 6 strips 4 1/2in (11.4cm) wide.
Autumn Checkerboard p 92
Patchwork Fabrics
Fabric 1 incorrect picture of swatch, should be Enchanted Dark
Cool Imari Plate p 112
Patchwork Fabrics
Fabric 3 increase to 1yd (90cm).
Fabric 12 increase to 5/8yd (60cm).
ISBN 978-1-64155-084-0

Quilts in America
Stonewall p 61
Patchwork and Border Fabrics
Jupiter Grey GP131GY 2 1/2yds (2.3m)
Jupiter Stone GP131ST 3/4yd (70cm)
Pastel 9 Patch p 95
Aboriginal Dots
Water PWGP071 (Not Mint GP71MT)
ISBN 978-1-63186-961-7

Quilts in Ireland
Persian Carpet p 51
End Papers Red GP159RD (not Dark GP159DK)
All subsequent references to this code should be GP159RD.
Battenberg p 71
Cobalt BM37CB (not GP37CB)
All subsequent reference to this fabric code need to be as corrected.
Contrast Brassica Snowballs p 75
BUTTON FLOWER Contrast GP152CO (not Dark GP152DK) 1 3/8yd (1.25m)
(All subsequent references to this code should be GP152CO.
Add yardage for BROCADE PEONY as follows:
Grey PJ62GY 1 3/4yd (1.6m)
Border 3
The strips should be cut lengthwise (not widthwise as stated) and are not joined.
For Borders 2-4 and 5 only you will still need to join sufficient widths of fabric strips end to end to achieve the correct lengths.
Dancing Blocks p 89
Increase yardage for CORSAGE (all colors) to 1 1/2 yd (1.4m) each.
Template A
Cut 5 flower patches across the width (not 6, as stated).
Floral Plaid p 93
Template A
Do not use this. Instead, the outside setting triangles should be cut so the straight grain is on the outside edge of the quilt. Cut 6 squares each 12 1/2in x 12 1/2in (31.8cm x 31.8cm) and cut from corner to corner diagonally both ways, making 4 triangles from each square. Cut a total of 24 triangles. Use the remaining fabric to cut the Template B corner triangles.
Hourglass p 113
The total amount of Tree Fungi for the patches and the binding is only 2 5/8 yd (2.4m). (Ignore the additional entry for Tree Fungi on page 114).
Cut the border first and use the leftover fabric for the medium-colored squares and the binding.
Square Dance p 134
Add the following fabric (used in the centre of the quilt)
Blue (GP20BL) 1/4yd (25cm).
Square Dance p 134
Paprika GP70PP 5/8yd (60cm) not 3/8yd (45cm)\
Centre Checkerboard
Cut two 21/2in (6.4cm) wide strips in GP20BL…(not GO20BL)
ISBN 978-1-63186-857-3

Sew Artisan!
Mughal Garden Quilt p 43
Embroidered Flower Border
Blue – PWKF01 – 1 ¼ yd (115cm) not 1yd (90cm) as stated.
Pillow Bed p 58
Making the Bed
1 With RS together, stitch the short side….. (not WS, as stated)
ISBN 978-0-9927968-6-0

Brilliant Patchwork Cushions
X-factor Cushion p 88
Central block
All the cut pieces should measure 1 ½ in (3.8cm) wide, not 2 ½ in (6.4cm) as stated.
When these fabrics are stitched together using a ¼in (6mm) seam allowance, the template laid on point in step 3 will fit (leaving a seam allowance top and bottom).
Lotus Cushion p 43 – 44
P 43 Ribbon – Target 1 ½ in (4cm) wide Purple 2yd (1.85m) not 1½yd (1.4m)
p 44 Borders
From Target purple ribbon: cut 2: 15in (38cm) lengths; cut 2: 18in (46cm) lengths, not 12in (30cm) and 15in (38cm) as stated.
Diamond Border
Replace the two paragraphs about cutting fabric E Aboriginal Dot Lime with the following:
Side Setting Triangles
From Aboriginal Dot Lime, cut a strip 4 7/8in (12.4cm) wide across the width of the fabric and cross cut 6 squares at 4 7/8in (12.4cm). Cut each square diagonally twice to make 4 quarter-square triangles from each square, to give a total of 24 triangles.
Corner Setting Triangles
From Aboriginal Dot Lime, cut 2 strips 2 3/4 (7cm) wide across the width of the fabric and cross cut 16 squares at 2 3/4 (7cm). Cut each square diagonally once to make 2 half-square triangles from each square, to give a total of 32 triangles.
Fabric key letters are incorrect in point 4 and point 5.
ISBN 978-1-910339-14-5

Quilts in Italy
Stone Log Cabin p 55 – 56
When making your template, from one end mark exactly 2in (5.1cm) along each parallel cutting line, mark with dots and draw a line joining the 2 dots to make a new diagonal end cutting line.
Cool Zig Zag p 141
Template Y diamond template for Cool Zig Zag on page 141 is a 60 degree diamond and should measure 5 3/4in (14.6cm) along each edge (in the book, two sides are slightly longer and the other two are slightly shorter).

Kaffe Fassett’s Quilts in Morocco
Mediterranean Hexagons Quilt p 111
The following fabric was omitted from the Materials list
FOXGLOVES – Cool – PJ10CL – ¼ yd (25cm)
This fabric is included in the cutting instructions and diagrams.
Cayene Quilts p 123-125
Please follow the following directions in the sections indicated.
Strips for Pieced Blocks
The strips are cut at 5in (12.75cm). The Flame Stripe GP134BR fabric is cut across the width. Fussy cut a total of 8 strips 5in (12.75cm) wide, 4 with dark purple zigzags and 4 with dusty purple zigzags. Try and cut each set so they are as closely matched as possible. The Pebble Mosiac BM42OR fabric is cut down the length of the fabric with the yellow pebbles at one side of each strip. Cut 8 strips 5in x 40in (12.75cm x 101.5cm). You will get 7 strips from a 40in length of fabric so you will need 2 lengths to get the 8 strips. Reserve the remaining fabric which should be approx.. 35in (89cm) wide for the binding.
Use a 1/4in (6mm) seam allowance throughout. Refer to the quilt assembly diagram and photograph for fabric placement. Make 8 strip sets from a strip of GP134BR and a strip of BM42OR. The yellow pebbles along the edge of the BM42OR should be furthest from the GP134BR fabric. From each strip set cut 4 squares 9 ½ in x 9 ½ in (24.25cm x 24.25cm) as shown in block cutting and assembly diagram A. Keep the squares sorted by zigzag colourway (dark purple and dusty purple).
Take 2 squares of the same colourway and lay them with the BM42OR fabric at the top. Cut the first square diagonally from top left to bottom right, the second square from top right to bottom left as shown in diagram B. Using the 4 cut triangles combine them as shown in diagram B to make 2 pieced squares as shown in diagrams C and D. In the dark purple colourway make 7 squares as shown in diagram C and 6 as shown in diagram D. In the dusty purple colourway make 6 squares as shown in diagram C and 7 as shown in diagram D. Keep 4 cut triangles to fill in the quilt sides.
Trim the pieced squares to 8 ½ in (21.5cm) square using Template VV. It is ESSENTIAL that the marked seam lines on the template are aligned very carefully when trimming (there will be considerably more to trim from 2 of the sides). Also trim the cut triangles using Template WW, aligning the marked seam line as before and stay stitch along the bias edge to stabilize.
ISBN 978-1-907544-88-0

Passionate Patchwork
Handkerchief Corners: You need 1/2 yd pieces of each stripe to make this quilt. (The book states 1/4 yd, but this is not enough)
Maths has been re-checked. The errata for Handkerchief Corners is correct although the quantity is slightly over-stated.
The quilt can be made with 35cm (14″) of each of 25 fabrics or 75cm (30″) of each of 12 fabrics. Following are the maths:
From each 2 1/2″ strip of fabric – two pieces 14 1/2″ x 2 1/2″ and one piece 9 1/2″ x 2 1/2″ can be cut.
35cm (14″) of fabric yields five strips at 2 1/2″
Therefore 10 pieces at 14 1/2″ and 1 piece 9 1/2″ x 2 1/2″ can be cut from each fabric
Therefore, from 25 fabrics you will yield 250 pieces at 14 1/2″ and 25 pieces at 9 1/2″
75cm (30″) of fabric yields 11 strips at 2 1/2″
Therefore 22 pieces at 14 1/2″ and 2 pieces 9 1/2″ x 2 1/2″ can be cut from each fabric
Therefore, from 12 fabrics you will yield 264 pieces at 14 1/2″ and 24 pieces at 9 1/2″
The pattern calls for 240 pieces (14 1/2″ x 2 1/2″) to be sewn together in pairs and for 24 pieces (9 1/2″ x 2 1/2″) to be sewn together in pairs.
Either method will give you what you need.
ISBN 0 09 187418 1